

We are committed to providing products of the highest possible quality.

Choosing raw botanical ingredients is an important factor in producing the highest quality botanical products. The selection of the highest quality herbal raw materials is crucial for us.

We select only the highest quality raw materials, then process them in the highest quality nutraceutical laboratory. We maintain product quality by performing qualitative and quantitative analyses at every stage of production.

Each batch is subjected to the same basic analytical methods.

The processing laboratory has been certified GMP compliant by Health Canada and is licensed to manufacture, package and label natural health products.

Certified, organic ingredients.



Ingredients of European and American origin.

of European
and American origin.


Edible plants and fruits

Edible plants
and fruits.


No added GMO, no added chemicals, no additives, no added synthetics, no added preservatives and fillers.

No added GMO, no
added chemicals, no additives,
no added synthetics,
no added preservatives
and fillers.


Manufactured in accordance with best practices  (GMP).

in accordance with
best practices 


Ancient European recipes in combination with modern science.

Ancient European
recipes in combination
with modern science.


Toda products, Buy now!

Toda drops, Heart of gold Formula™, 120 ml


Toda drops, Heart of Gold Formula™, 120 ml


Helps support cardiovascular health

Toda Heart of Gold Formula™ drops are a liquid dietary supplement, an excellent natural formula to support cardiovascular health! The formula was developed based on the results of scientific research in laboratories. Toda Heart of Gold Formula™ drops are made from certified organic ingredients in Canada, and according to the only genuine formula owned by Toda Herbal International Inc. It is a product that combines 5 unique plants using a special blending method.

Capacity: 120 ml. Package includes: 1 bottle. Uses per bottle: 3 months (120 ml).

For more information about the product click here.


Toda drops, Heart of Gold Formula™, 60 ml


Toda drops, Heart of Gold Formula™, 60 ml


Helps support cardiovascular health

Toda Heart of Gold Formula™ drops are a liquid dietary supplement, an excellent natural formula to support cardiovascular health! The formula was developed based on the results of scientific research in laboratories. Toda Heart of Gold Formula™ drops are made from certified organic ingredients in Canada, and according to the only genuine formula owned by Toda Herbal International Inc. It is a product that combines 5 unique plants using a special blending method.

Capacity: 60 ml. Package includes: 1 bottle. Uses per bottle: 6 weeks (60 ml).

For more information about the product click here.


Seabuckthorn Berry Extract 60 ml


Seabuckthorn Berry Extract, 60 ml


High quality extract from certified organic seabuckthorn berries. 

Used in traditional chinese medicine to suppress cough and remove phlegm.

Seabuckthorn Berry Extract is a liquid dietary supplement with an authentic taste. Formulated with top quality ingredients, i.e., selected, organic seabuckthorn berries, it provides top quality nutrients such as antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals.

Capacity: 60 ml. Package includes: 1 bottle. Uses per bottle: 6 weeks (60 ml).

For more information about the product click here.

All Text and Images © 2024 Toda Herbal International Inc. All Rights Reserved

Official Toda Herbal International Inc. store - the store is available at todadrops.com; it is the official Toda store for Poland and Europe run by a company registered in Poland. The distributor of the Toda drops is Tadeusz Miszczak.

The content on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be used as official health advice or consultation. The information provided does not replace the advice of a doctor or other health care professional. The store operator is not responsible for the misuse of the information presented on this site.

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