
Payment and delivery


Payment via electronic payment channels

We use the following services as intermediaries for electronic payments:

PayU PayPal

Terms of Service payu.pl it is located here: https://poland.payu.com/dokumenty-prawne-do-pobrania/.

Regulations paypal.com it is located here: https://www.paypal.com/pl/webapps/mpp/ua/legalhub-full?locale.x=pl_PL

Traditional bank transfer

Bank transfers should be made to the following bank account:

96 1140 2004 0000 3702 8257 6946

Bank: mBank S. A.,

For payments from abroad:


Please enter the order number in the payment title. This data is necessary for the execution of the order.


We offer the following forms of delivery:

  • courier delivery,
  • mail order (package).

Products purchased in the store are delivered by:


PocztexPoczta Polska GLS UPS FedEx DHL InPost

Delivery costs

Demstic shipments:

  • InPost (parcel locker): PLN 15.99
  • InPost Kurier: PLN 18.99
  • DPD: PLN 19.99
  • GLS: PLN 19.99
  • UPS: PLN 19,99
  • FedEx: PLN 19,99
  • DHL: PLN 19,99
  • Poczta Polska: PLN 19,99
  • Pocztex: PLN 24,99

European shipments:

  • comming soon

Free delivery:

  • free shipping is offered to orders for a minimum amount of PLN 1000

Delivery time

Shipments are delivered within 1-3 working days..



Please make your purchases carefully. We do not accept returns of products, including products originally packaged and products whose packaging has been damaged.

Taxes and duties

Orders delivered outside the European Union may be subject to import duties and/or taxes, the calculation of which is independent of the store operator. These fees remain the responsibility of the customer. Before placing an order, we recommend that you contact your local customs authorities for further information.

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All Text and Images © 2024 Toda Herbal International Inc. All Rights Reserved

Official TODA Herbal International Inc. store - the store is available at todadrops.com; it is the official TODA store for Poland and Europe run by a company registered in Poland. Original TODA products are available in the store. 

The content on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be used as official health advice or consultation. The information provided does not replace the advice of a doctor or other health care professional. The store operator is not responsible for the misuse of the information presented on this site.

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