Aged Garlic Extract (AGE) may Help Obese People ward off Painful Inflammation and Lower Cholesterol Levels, a new University of Florida Study shows.
Garlic compound fights source of food-borne illness
The Epidemic of Heart Failure & Atherosclerosis that Plagues the Modern World may Paradoxically be Aggravated by the Pervasive Use of StatinDrugs. We Propose that Current Statin Treatment Guidelines be Critically Reevaluated.
Statins stimulate atherosclerosis and heart failure: pharmacological mechanisms.
Aged garlic extract prevents a decline of NK cell number and activity in patients with advanced cancer.
Benefits of aged garlic extract in modulating toxicity biomarkers against p-dimethylaminoazobenzene and phenobarbital induced liver damage in Rattus norvegicus.
Immunomodulatory Effects of Glutathione, Garlic Derivatives, and Hydrogen Sulfide
The effect of aged garlic extract on blood pressure and other cardiovascular risk factors in uncontrolled hypertensives: the AGE at Heart trial
Hibiscus, Hawthorn, and the Heart
Modern research supports the use of traditional plants
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