

The official store with TODA products in Poland

Toda info

Beware of counterfeit TODA products! Counterfeit TODA products can be found in stores in Poland, particularly the Heart of Gold Formula™, the formula and manufacturing process of which are a secret of TODA Herbal International Inc., and both have not and will not be made available to third parties. No Polish entity knows the formula, recipe and production process and is not entitled to indicate on its products that they were produced using the Canadian recipe of TODA Heart of Gold. The formula is a secret and exclusive property of TODA Herbal International Inc. In this article you can find more information on how to recognize counterfeit TODA products. Buy original TODA products, don't support counterfeiters.

TODA drops

Toda Drops Heart of Gold Formula


Toda Drops, Heart of Gold Formula™


Helps support cardiovascular health

Toda Heart of Gold Formula™ drops are a liquid dietary supplement, an excellent natural formula to support cardiovascular health! The formula was developed based on the results of scientific research in laboratories. TODA Heart of Gold Formula™ drops are made from certified organic ingredients in Canada, and according to the only genuine formula owned by TODA Herbal International Inc. It is a product that combines 5 unique plants using a special blending method.

Capacity: 120 ml or 60 ml. Package includes: 1 bottle. Uses per bottle: 3 months (120 ml), 6 weeks (60 ml).

For more information about the product click here.


Toda drops 120 ml


Toda drops, Heart of Gold Formula, 120 ml


Helps support cardiovascular health

Capacity: 120 ml. Package includes: 1 bottle. Uses per bottle: 3 months (120 ml).

For more information about the product click here.


Toda drops 60 ml


Toda drops, Heart of Gold Formula, 60 ml


Helps support cardiovascular health

Capacity: 60 ml. Package includes: 1 bottle. Uses per bottle: 6 weeks (60 ml).

For more information about the product click here.


Seabuckthorn Berry Extract 60 ml


Seabuckthorn Berry Extract, 60 ml


High quality extract from certified organic sea buckthorn berries.

Capacity: 60 ml. Package includes: 1 bottle. Uses per bottle: 6 weeks (60 ml).

For more information about the product click here.



"nie wierzyłem w takie działanie jak mówili mi znajomi . krople są mega. jeśli coś mi dolega- katar, przeziębienie czy osłabienie to gdy je biorę pod język to bardzo mocno mnie szczypią. gdy nic mi nie jest to są praktycznie niewyczuwalne w ustach."



"Zakupiłam już 2 krotnie krople TODA rewelacja. Miałam problemy z sercem stres, ciężka stresująca praca i dużo kawy. Krople TODA poprawiły mój stan zdrowia, będę je stosować dalej."


"I kaszel utrzymujący się od roku za sprawa kropli Toda nagle znikł! Absolutna rewelacja!"


"stosuje Tode od 2 lat i pozbyłam się wielu chorób. Na początku byłam sceptycznie nastawiona, że jakieś kropelki mogą pomóc, ale teraz mówię o nich każdemu bo naprawdę warto! Czy to na problemy z krązeniem, ciśmieniem, arytmią, odpornością, sprawdzają się w 100%"


Ingredients used in TODA products


(Allium Sativum)



(Hippophae Rhamnoides)



(Vaccinium Myrtillus)



(Crataegus Oxyacantha)


Cayenne pepper

Cayenne Pepper
(Capsicum Frutescens)


learn more about the ingredients

Quality and purity of the products

Certified, organic ingredients.



Ingredients of European and American origin.

of European
and American origin.


Edible plants and fruits.

Edible plants
and fruits.


No added GMO, no added chemicals, no additives,  no added synthetics,  no added preservatives and fillers.

No added GMO, no
added chemicals, no additives,
no added synthetics,
no added preservatives
and fillers.

Manufactured in accordance with best practices  (GMP).

in accordance with
best practices 


Ancient European recipes in combination with modern science.

Ancient European
recipes in combination
with modern science.


learn more about the quality of Toda products

TODA Health (a division of Toda Herbal International Inc.) located in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.


For many years, we have worked to develop herbal remedies that would support the cardiovascular system, the heart and the immune system in general. We studied centuries-old European traditions and combined them with scientific research of the 21st century. In the interest of safety and efficacy, we have considered using edible plants as the base of our products. Simply put, our goal is to create natural herbal products that are as safe as food yet have a positive impact on health.

Traditional herbal remedies have been used for thousands of years to improve health and to fight disease. A significant part of our research and development work is devoted to the study of historical documents relating to herbal remedies, the identification of original herbal recipes delivering consistent health benefits and replicable methods of preparation and administration. When developing our formulas, we combine the recipes with scientific data on individual ingredients, their indications and possible side effects they may cause.

learn more about Toda

Our original product is registered as a dietary supplement

Original Toda products

Safe purchases and payments

Supported payment methods:

PayU PayPal


Products purchased in the store are delivered by:

PocztexPoczta Polska GLS UPS FedEx DHLInPost

More information on payments and deliveries

All Text and Images © 2024 Toda Herbal International Inc. All Rights Reserved

Official TODA Herbal International Inc. store - the store is available at todadrops.com; it is the official TODA store for Poland and Europe run by a company registered in Poland. Original TODA products are available in the store. 

The content on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be used as official health advice or consultation. The information provided does not replace the advice of a doctor or other health care professional. The store operator is not responsible for the misuse of the information presented on this site.

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